Combination 3D chart exposes a number of functions for better interactivity. These functions can be called using JavaScript. Shown below is a list of these functions along with their description and parameter(s):

Function Name Parameter Description
zoomOut() none Zooms out to previous zoom level.
resetChart() none Resets to original state (zoom mode).
setZoomMode() isZoomMode:Boolean Switches between zoom and pin mode. This function works only when allowPinMode is set to '1' in chart XML or JSON.
zoomTo() startIndex:Number,
Helps users to select a subset for zooming from JavaScript.
If the chart is in pin mode, it automatically switches to zoom mode.

The subset is defined by specifying the startIndex and endIndex of the data.
Both indexes have to be numbers, where startIndex should be a number greater than 0 or it is taken as 1. The endIndex should be less or equal to the total items. Otherwise, total item count is set as its value.
getViewStartIndex() none This function returns the start index (as Number) of data from subset currently in view.
getViewEndIndex() none This function returns the end index (as Number) of data from subset currently in view.
Events ( see Events page for details on events)
Name (Advanced model) Name ( Simple model) When is it raised? Event parameters
Zoomed FC_Zoomed This event is raised when a chart is zoomed. The event arguments provided by FC_Zoomed function (simple event model) are:

  • DOMId : ID of the chart raising the event
  • startIndex : Index of the first visible dataplot from left
  • endIndex : Index of the first visible dataplot from right
  • startItemLabel : Data label of the first visible dataplot from left
  • endItemLabel : Data label of the first visible dataplot from right

The event arguments provided in the advanced model are :

eventObject : This object contains eventId, eventType and sender properties.

argumentsObject : This object contains properties listed below:

  • startIndex : Index of the first visible dataplot from left
  • endIndex : Index of the first visible dataplot from right
  • startLabel : Data label of the first visible dataplot from left
  • endLabel : Data label of the first visible dataplot from right
Pinned FC_Pinned This event is raised when points have been pinned onto the chart. The event arguments provided by FC_Pinned function (simple event model) are:

  • DOMId : ID of the chart raising the event
  • startIndex : Index of the first visible dataplot from left
  • endIndex : Index of the first visible dataplot from right
  • startItemLabel : Data label of the first visible dataplot from left
  • endItemLabel : Data label of the first visible dataplot from right

The event arguments provided in the advanced model are :

eventObject : This object contains eventId, eventType and sender properties.

argumentsObject : This object contains properties listed below:

  • startIndex : Index of the first visible dataplot from left
  • endIndex : Index of the first visible dataplot from right
  • startLabel : Data label of the first visible dataplot from left
  • endLabel : Data label of the first visible dataplot from right
ZoomedOut FC_ZoomedOut This event is raised when chart is reset using button or context menu. The event argument provided by FC_ZoomedOut function (simple event model) is DOMId of the chart raising the event.

The event arguments provided in the advanced model are :

eventObject : This object contains eventId, eventType and sender properties.

argumentsObject : This object contains properties listed below:

  • eventObject : The name of the event raiser Object in chart. The value can be "toolbar" or "menu"
ResetZoomChart FC_ResetZoomChart This event is raised when chart is reset using button or context menu. The event argument provided by FC_ResetZoomChart function (simple event model) is DOMId of the chart raising the event.

The event arguments provided in the advanced model are :

eventObject : This Object contains eventId, eventType and sender properties.

argumentsObject : This Object contains properties listed below:

  • eventObject : The name of the event raiser object in chart. The value can be "toolbar" or "menu"

You can also experience these API live from the consolidated example by clicking here.